Kelly Roy, Operation Outcry NH State Leader, is speaking at Oct. 23, 2005  NHRTL  Banquet

She will be promoting the new pro-life organization, and a November 12  "Silent No More"  conference.
Write directly to Kelly via
or call her at (603) 918-7828

Download the flyer for the
"Operation Outcry: Silent No More"
conference and luncheon featuring
Alan E. Parker, President of
The Justice Foundation, San Antonio, TX
Acrobat PDF Flyer
Microsoft Word Flyer


Let your voice be heard!

Women who have had an abortion (post-abortive women) can help by speaking out against the harmful effects of abortion and saving lives by filling out an affidavit form.

All women can help by filling out a Friend of the Court Form. We need women willing to sign on as "Friends of the Court" in agreement with the following statement:

"It is not in the human or legal interest of any mother to kill her own child.   A mother's true interest is in her child's life and her relationship with her child.   Roe v. Wade should be overturned."

Go to the Operation Outcry Forms Page Now.

Attend the Oct. 23, 2005  NHRTL  Banquet
to learn more and meet Kelly Roy, Operation Outcry
NH State Leader or contact her directly via or (603) 918-7828. 





Send your ideas, advice, encouragement,  questions,
and gifts to us at:

New Hampshire Right to Life
POBox 421
Merrimack NH  03054




(Click on links below)

New England
Regional Mortgage


Nancy Tutunjian Berger

 Paraclete Music Ministries.

St. Patrick's Council #6902, Pelham

Immaculate Conception, #140, Portsmouth

Bishop John Neumann
Council #6949, Londonderry

St. Joseph Council #6850, Raymond

Queen of Peace Council 6725, Merrimack

St.Maximilian Kolbe Council,
#9058 East Hampstead

Bishop Peterson Council #4443, Salem

Robert R. Leroux Council #10943, Belmont

Harvey's Concrete Floors
Bedford,  (603) 472-3111

(Click in above links)

January 2005 marks the 32nd anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized well over 40 million deaths by surgical abortion in America ... and still counting every 20 seconds:


Get involved so no more children die and
no more women cry:

New Hampshire
Right to Life is the largest, oldest, and most active NH pro-life organization standing in defense of ALL THE BABIES!

NHRTL was founded to foster respect for human life from the moment of conception to natural death and to promote the right to life as the  paramount social issue through educational, legislative, political, and other forms of lawful activities. 

NOTE: Referral to web sites not produced by NH Right to Life is for
informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.



New Hampshire Right to Life
has been on the internet since
October 27, 1997


We are an associate of

NOTE: Referral to web sites not produced by NH Right to Life is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement of the sites' content.