Pat Holdgate's


  Restoring   the   Sandown   Historical   Society's
Revolutionary  War  Cannon




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Work  Phases  Page
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0=Original  1=Moving Out  2=Disassembly  3=Sanding  4=New Wheels  5=Painting
6=Reassembly  7=Site Prep  8=Moving Back  9=Almost  10=DONE!  11=Ceremony


1 = Moving  Cannon  from  S.H.S.  to  Garage
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 


January 20, 2007:  Aaron, Mike, Chris, and Pat moved the cannon chassis and barrel from the Sandown Historical Society to the garage.    Mr. P., Mr. R., Mr. O. and Mr. H. assisted.  Thanks everyone!


2 = Disassembly  of  Cannon
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 



Some carriage parts were severely degraded


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3 = Sanding  &  Sandblasting
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 

Thanks  to  JCR Sandblasting  of  Sandown  (887-3536)  for  the  donation  of  services!!



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Made some new oak carriage parts    


4 = Wheels
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 

    The replacement wheels are bigger than the original, as requested



Custom cone-shaped axle adapters were made of aluminum


May 16, 2007:   Status  Report  To  S.H.S.
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 


I gave a status report at the first 2007 meeting of the Sandown Historical Society.  They saw some of the pictures from the project.   They approved the gray paint selected for the carriage wood.   They approved a test fire of the cannon at the Chester Rod and Gun Club.   They approved a fire of the cannon at a ceremony - maybe on July 4 or maybe at the Sandown Old Home Days in August, but that is not considered part of my Eagle Project.  They want to place the cannon out on the corner of Main Street / Route 121A, but they have not yet removed the tree that is there.  They said I could just chain the restored cannon to the concrete anchor of the current flag pole instead of pouring a new concrete anchor.   When the tree is removed, they will relocate the cannon and maybe put it on a new concrete patio.


5 = Painting  Cannon  Parts
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 




Wood Primer MSDS

Metal Primer MSDS
Click on thumbnail for larger photo

Metal Black MSDS

Gray Paint MSDS


6 = Cannon  Reassembly
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 




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7 = Site  Preparation
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The Sandown Historical Society chopped down a hugh tree at the tip of their property to make room for this cannon and open up their landscaped garden.  THANKS!




8 = Moving  Cannon  Back  to  S.H.S.
  Click on thumbnail for larger photo 




Home PageWork PhasesFundraisingNews  CoverageProject Complete
0=Original  1=Moving Out  2=Disassembly  3=Sanding  4=New Wheels  5=Painting
6=Reassembly  7=Site Prep  8=Moving Back  9=Almost  10=DONE!  11=Ceremony