Thank you for visiting the NHRTL website.   We defend all innocent human life without exception or compromise because a genuine pro-life ethic insists, like the Declaration of Independence, that we are all created equal.   Thus no babies are "expendable" for the sake of convenience or possibly saving other babies.   Some research, some reflection, and some prayer can reveal to you why focused activism is the most compassionate response for mothers in trouble and babies in jeopardy.    Join NHRTL today and learn how our group, led by 15 volunteer trustees, is fighting for the right to life for all...





FROM 2010








Click here to
download the
December 2010
edition of








  • BELLA Movie Screenings!

    NHRTL and  Cornerstone are co-sponsoring screenings of the film BELLA in May.  Tracy Reynolds, an official representative of the Bella Hero program, and Operation Outcry, will facilitate a discussion of the movie,while bringing a message of hope and healing to those involved in abortion.

    She will explain and promote the Bella Hero program, which through the generosity of its contributors  provides crisis pregnancy centers with free Bella videos to share with abortion bound mothers.  To date there are at least 124 documented cases of babies saved through this amazing film!!!  This is a great opportunity to educate people about local sources of pregnancy support and save babies' precious lives too.

    May 20 Thurs:

    Holy Cross Parish, East Derry, 6pm to 8:30pm

    May 21 Fri:

    St. Marie Parish. Media Room, 6pm to 8:30pm

    May 21 Fri:

    Notre Dame Ave. Manchester, 6pm to 8:30pm

    May 22 Sat: 

    St. Raphael's Parish Hall, Walker St. Manch. 7pm

    May 24 Mon: 

    Trinity High Audit/Gym, Bridge St, Manch, 6:30pm


  • An Open Letter to NH Pro-Lifers
    by Ed Holdgate, Former NHRTL President


Click here for the
Voter Guide!


Click here for the

September Edition
NHRTL Newsletter






  • A  prayer  vigil  of  Thanksgiving  for  "SAVING  CMC"  will  convene  in  front  of  CMC  on  Monday,  May  24  at  2:30pm

    Thank the Lord that the Attorney General has declared the CMC-DHH merger illegal!!

    Praise God for the success of your prayers, phone calls and letters. Notice that the first reason given for objecting is that the mission of CMC Charities would be inhibited.

    Info: Kathy Souza 645-6131

    Many thanks to The Honorable Barbara Hagan and The Honorable Kathy Souza for their tireless efforts without which this 'transaction' would most likely have been rubber stamped by the Attorney General.

    Note: CMC and DHH could still head to Probate Court looking for approval.  We'll be watching!


    Excerpts from the press release from the Office
    of the Attorney General [all emphasis added]:

    On May 21, 2010, The Office of the Attorney General, through the Director of Charitable Trusts (the "Attorney General"), released its Report on the proposed acquisition transaction between Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health ("DHH") and CMC Healthcare System ("CMCHS")

    Having reviewed the documents submitted by DHH and CMCHS, heard testimony at public hearings, reviewed comments submitted to the Attorney General and participated in numerous meetings, the Attorney General objects to the Transaction on three grounds.

    First, the Transaction is not permitted by applicable law. The Transaction would result in DHH obtaining control over core functions of the CMC Charities, which until this point have operated as an independent Catholic hospital. The Attorney General concludes that the Transaction will result in a profound change to the governance structure of the CMC Charities and diminish the fiduciary duties of the Boards of Directors of the CMC Charities which will inhibit the ability of the CMC Charities to carry out their charitable missions. The Attorney General also concludes that Probate Court approval of this transfer of control would be necessary in order for it to be permitted under New Hampshire law.

    Second, the Attorney General objects to the Transaction because the Parties have not provided adequate information upon which the Attorney General can determine whether it exercised due diligence in determining whether the Transaction is in the best interest of the health care charitable trust and the community which it services. Specifically, the Parties have not demonstrated due diligence in determining the effect of the Transaction on the cost of delivering health care.

    Third, the Attorney General has concluded that while the consideration exchanged in connection with the Transaction constitutes fair value, the Attorney General objects to the Transaction as there are insufficient safeguards in place to ensure that the calculation of the Post-Affiliation Surplus is not subject to manipulation or abuse by the Parties.



  • Important!!  May 6 CMC Prayer Vigil Appeal !!!  

    The next CMC prayer vigil will be held
    on THURSDAY, MAY 6, from

    2:30 to 3:30 in front of CMC. 


  • May 5 venue / schedule change:  The next CMC prayer vigil will be held on WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, from 1:30 to 2:30 in front of CMC.  Please note this is a CHANGE IN LOCATION from the Diocesan office on Ash Street where it was held for the past two months.




  • 9am Memorial Service for the babies dumped at the Concord Landfill Old Turnpike Rd

  • 10am Catholic Mass at St. John the Evangelist 72 So. Main St. Concord 

  • 11:15 Rally at the Gold Domed State House Steps

  • 11:45 March For Life from the Rally past Concord Feminist “health” Center then to St. John the Evangelist to warm up & have some carry-in, by donation lunch and hear Juda Myers.

  • 1 pm St. John’s Activity Center: Program

Singer/songwriter, artist & published author Juda Myers, conceived in rape, inspires great joy through forgiveness. A ministry of hope, life and forgiveness. Forgiveness in any case is attainable! Destiny, filled with purpose and potential waits for each of us through the one who created us. Conceived in Rape! Living with Purpose!

For more info NHRTL 626-7950

Don’t Support the Abortion Industry with apathy.  Join us for all or part of the March for Life as we remember the Decision that led to the legal killing of tens of millions of babies, wounded as many moms and degraded the right to life for all Americans.

Bring your own signs or use ours.   All are invited!  Please pray and save the date!  For information contact Kurt at NHRTL via or or 603-626-7950




New Hampshire Right to Life is the largest, oldest, and most active NH pro-life organization.   NHRTL was founded to foster respect for human life from the moment of conception to natural death and to promote the right to life as the  paramount social issue through educational, legislative, political, and other forms of lawful activities. 

(Click on links below)


New England
Regional Mortgage

Click above card for larger image

Harvey's Concrete Floors

Bedford,  (603) 472-3111

Gagnon Software Inc.
(Data Quality Expertise)



Nancy Tutunjian Berger

 Paraclete Music Ministries.

St. Patrick's
 Council #6902, Pelham

Immaculate Conception
Council #140, Portsmouth

Bishop John Neumann
Council #6949, Londonderry

St. Joseph
Council #6850, Raymond

Queen of Peace
Council #6725, Merrimack

St.Maximilian Kolbe
Council #9058 East Hampstead

Bishop Peterson
Council #4442, Salem

Robert R. Leroux,
Council #10943, Belmont

Our Lady of Monadnock
Council #8544, Jaffrey


(Click in above links)


      Browse old NHRTL website items

Nick Cannon  Pro-life  Music  Video

Nick Cannon and his Mom 
 Scope out
 Nick Cannon's
 "Can I Live"
 pro-life music
 video based  on
 his true story!  
 (Spoiler:  Nick
 is  the  baby!

 Visit Nick's
 website here

Be  sure  to  press  PLAY  after  download:

Gov. Craig Benson's
Right to Life Proclamation

Delivered at the NHRTL
March for Life Rally
of 2003 and 2004!

January 2006 marks the 33nd anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized nearly 50 million deaths by surgical abortion in America ... and still counting every 20 seconds:


Get involved so no more children die and
no more women cry:

US Sen. Gordon Humphrey,
 author of a 1989 poem
for the babies dumped
in the Concord Landfill.

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New Hampshire Right to Life
has been on the internet since
October 27, 1997


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