"Thank you for visiting the NHRTL website.   We defend all innocent human life without exception or compromise because a genuine pro-life ethic insists, like the Declaration of Independence, that we are all created equal.   Thus no babies are "expendable" for the sake of convenience or possibly saving other babies.   Some research, some reflection, and some prayer can reveal to you why focused activism is the most compassionate response for mothers in trouble and babies in jeopardy.    Join NHRTL today and learn how our group, led by 15 volunteer trustees, is fighting for the right to life for all."          -- Ed Holdgate, NHRTL President


FROM 2005


    Contact the Members of the NH House Education Committee

    On November 16, 2005, the House Education Committee will consider an Amendment to House Bill 39 that will give PARENTS the right to opt their children out of any Family Life and Sexuality Health Course which conflicts with their personal religious beliefs.   HB-39 will give PARENTS a simple Form that they can fill out and submit to local school officials advising them of a conflict with religious values. It will allow PARENTS to have the final say about whether or not their child will receive instructions in a subject matter that many consider essentially tied to their religious principles.  Click for a full report (in Acrobat Reader PDF or in MS-Word doc), and the contact information for the NH House Education Committee members.  Please contact them before November 16!  Thanks!


  • FIRST Saturday, Dec. 3, Witness against Planned Parenthood
    Join us on Saturday, December 3 to oppose Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion "provider" in the nation.  They teach youth about sex, sell them abortifacients (wrongly called contraceptives) and then tempt women with human pesticide drugs or surgical abortions.  They enjoy massive government funding, many corporate sponsors, frequent access to high schools, and even funding through certain United Way programs.   Please keep the pressure on the Planned Parenthood shell-game operation and pray for the day they have to hold bake-sales for their so-called "charity".   Join us Saturday, December 3, 10am to Noon at the intersection of Elm and Pennacook Street (behind the Rite Aid).  This is a couple blocks south of the Amoskeag Bridge on the East side of the Merrimack.
    To see what these events are like, go to:


  • Parent Group Forms in Hollis/Brookline Opposing P.Parenthood;
    Need Your Help on October 18 and Oct. 25 to Promote Abstinence

    A new parents' group called "Citizens for the Healthiest Choices" is fighting to get Planned Parenthood out of the Hollis/Brookline school system.   Contact Mary Zore at (603) 673-7169 or at TheZore5@charter.net for more information and details.
    1) YOU ARE NEEDED ON OCTOBER 18:   Anita Coll from the State of NH Abstinence Task Force is giving a parent presentation on October 18 at the Hollis Social Library, 2 Monument Square,  in Hollis at 7PM.  The School Board is watching to see how many people attend in support of a strong abstinence program.  This event has been arranged by the parents' group and not by the schools.  The night after the meeting is a vote on the abstinence program, so your help on October 18 is needed.
    2)  YOU ARE NEEDED ON OCTOBER 25:  The school is having an open forum on October 25th for the abstinence program as well.  The school had admitted that Planned Parenthood materials are used elementary through high school.  Students who went through the program have told us they were taught that oral sex was an alternative to intercourse.  The school, of course does not confirm or deny these things but says it does not know.    Right now the on-line curriculum lists "planned parenthood activities" on the materials list for Grade Nine.   Abstinence is being grouped in with birth control as a means of preventing pregnancy rather than being discussed as a commitment and self discipline that excludes casual sexual activity.

    3)  YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW TOO:     If you live in Hollis or Brookline please call Carol Mace at the school and say you want Planned Parenthood materials and presence removed from the curriculum and classrooms.  Say you support a 100% abstinence-only program that doesn't give a double message to teens. Call your school board representatives and tell them you want Planned Parenthood out as well, and that you support a curriculum that doesn't include instruction with birth control pills and condoms.  Ask that an abstinence-until-marriage program be made available to parents who want that.  Tell them all parents should have a voice and a choice in what the sex education program should teach.

    Hollis Brookline Coop School Board

    Name Address Town Phone E-mail  (just dbl-click)
    Dan Peterson 22 Shedd Lane Hollis 465-3858 danjpeterson@usa.net
    Betty Hall 18A Old Milford Rd Brookline 672-8712 hallmfg@charter.net
    Anne Dumas 42 Westhill Road Brookline 673-1918 anne.dumas@charter.net
    Tom Enright PO Box 441 Hollis 465-7455 thenright@aol.com
    Pam Kirby 17 Mendelssohn Hollis 881-9315 pkirby1@charter.net
    James Murphy 46 Mountain Rd Brookline 673-0613 Jim_murphy@verizon.net
    Steve Simons 101 Mooar Hill Rd Hollis 465-2276 scsimons@charter.net
    Betsy Bowen 29 Drury Lane Nashua 598-9858 betbowen@attbi.com

    4)  MORE WAYS TO PROTECT TEENS FROM PLANNED PARENTHOOD:  Please write a letter promoting abstinence-only education to the Hollis Brookline Journal / Cabinet Press.  Finally, in January 2006 the entire health curriculum is up for review so parental involvement is really needed now to help steer matters. 

    IMPORTANT:  Contact Mary Zore at (603) 673-7169 or via TheZore5@charter.net for more information and details about the parent group called "Citizens for the Healthiest Choices"


    Saturday, November 12, 11am to 2pm in Brentwood, NH
    This program features Alan Parker from The Justice Foundation of San Antonio, TX.
    The tax deductible donation is $25/pp and a complimentary lunch is provided.  Please RSVP now to Kelly Roy via prolifeambassador@msn.com or by calling Grace Ministries International at 603-642-7848.   Below is Kelly's invitation to you, which you can scroll by clicking the arrows at the right:

    Click here for more information about Operation Outcry


  • Pro-Life Student Essay/Poem/Poster Contest: KofC # 6949
    This is the TENTH year we are able to conduct the subject contest due to an anonymous donation. Up to $600.00 may be awarded to Junior-High and Senior-High school students in NH.   As was done the past nine years, entries will be submitted to The National student contest of “March for Life” and after their awards, we will make ours in New Hampshire.  The theme for this year's contest is:  “Roe v. Wade Violates the American Way”.   DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL IS OCTOBER 28, 2005  Applications may be obtained from Council 6949 (Londonderry) Pro-life Chairman John Matuszewski (at 603-434-4098).   Applications are also linked from www.marchforlife.org   Mail entries to 2006 Student Contests,  March for Life Education and Defense Fund, PO Box 90300, Washington D.C. 20090  


  • NHRTL holds an Annual Member's Meeting Friday, Nov. 11,
    starting at 7:30pm.   Members are invited to run for trustee, and those present will elect 5 of the 15 trustees for a 3 year term, and up to 3 Alternate Trustees.    No by-law changes were proposed for this year's meeting.   Members are welcome to bring up any additional business.  After the Members' meeting ends, the 15 member board elects officers for one year terms.   President Ed Holdgate has declined to run for re-election after serving 3 years in that capacity.  Volunteers are most welcome at these organizational meetings.   Write life@nhrtl.org or call 626-7950 for directions, questions, or other details.


    Get your tickets BEFORE October 17 to the
    NHRTL BANQUET, Sunday, Oct. 23
    Manchester Country Club,
    MARK CRUTCHER of Life Dynamics Inc.

    Click to download flyer in:
    Acrobat PDF Reader
    MS-Word doc
    Image JPG

    Mark Crutcher and
    Life Dynamics Inc, have:

    • Conducted several unique undercover investigations of abortion clinics.

    • Exposed the practice of abortion clinics selling the body parts of aborted babies.

    • Documented how Planned Parenthood and other clinics conceal child rape situations.

    This banquet also features:

    5PM to 8:30PM

    Manchester Country Club
    180 South River Road
    (Route 3, just south of 101)
    Bedford, NH

    Salad, Chicken Marsala
    Roast Potatoes,
    Vegetable du Jour, Dessert

    Tickets are $35 each by
    advance  sales  only
     payable to "NHRTL" by October 17th so contact us today via: life@nhrtl.org  or 626-7950


  • First Saturday, Nov. 5, Witness against Planned Parenthood
    Join us on Saturday, November 5 to oppose Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion "provider" in the nation.  They teach youth about sex, sell them abortifacients (wrongly called contraceptives) and then tempt women with human pesticide drugs or surgical abortions.  They enjoy massive government funding, many corporate sponsors, frequent access to high schools, and even funding through certain United Way programs.   Please keep the pressure on the Planned Parenthood shell-game operation and pray for the day they have to hold bake-sales for their so-called "charity".   Join us Saturday, November 5, 10am to Noon at the intersection of Elm and Pennacook Street (behind the Rite Aid).  This is a couple blocks south of the Amoskeag Bridge on the East side of the Merrimack.     To see what these events are like, go to:


  • Roman Catholic Diocesan Respect Life Conference Oct. 29
    This event is on Saturday, October 29, 2005, starting at 8:30am in the St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Center, 190 Meeting House Road, Bedford, NH.   It features Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. (Fr. Tad), Director of Education, The National Catholic Bioethics Center.   His keynote address is titled “The Science and Ethics of Stem Cells and Cloning”.     Also, lunch and the following workshops are offered:
        *   “Theology of the Body” Rev. Msgr. Anthony Frontiero
        *   “Nutrition and Hydration: End of Life” Peter Cataldo, Ph. D.
        *   “Post Abortion Ministry—Project Rachel” Joseph Naff, LICSW
        *   “Natural Family Planning—Fertility Care” Kathy Rivet, CNFPE
    The Early Bird Registration fee is $20 per person by October 8, or $25 per person before the deadline of October 26.   No registrations are accepted at the door.  
    Make checks payable to "RCBM" and send to
    Respect Life Office, Diocese of Manchester, 153 Ash St. P. O. Box 310,  Manchester, NH 03105- 0310


  • CareNet of Manchester & Nashua Annual Banquet:  Oct. 21
    This annual event is planned for Friday, October 21, 2005, in Hollis, NH.  Jenny Dixon, CareNet's National Director of Ministry Programs is the keynote speaker.   Contact either the Nashua CareNet at 883-1122 or the Manchester CareNet at 623-1122 for details.   Advance RSVPs would be appreciated.   Be sure to browse their website at  www.CareNetNH.org too!


  • NH Pro-Life Council: Oct. 2 National Life Chain Sunday
    October 2nd is National Life Chain Sunday with many "chains" around the country.  A "Chain" is Christians standing side by side on a public sidewalk, facing traffic, as they pray and hold placards reading either "Abortion Kills Babies" or "Jesus Forgives & Heals,"   Please plan to join us from 2PM to 3PM that afternoon as we witness on South Willow Street in Manchester.   Leave your car in the parking lot at Our Lady of the Cedars church, 161 South Beech, and pick up a placard and walk around the corner.   OLC is a Eastern Rite Catholic Church and all are also welcome to attend the 11AM Mass.


    American Life League, with whom NHRTL is formally associated, has launched a special web site,  http://www.prolifememorialday.com/, to spread the word about the first-ever Pro-life Memorial Day on October 3. Plans will be announced soon for a candlelight vigil at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, and pro-lifers across the country are encouraged to hold candlelight vigils of their own the night of October 3 at 7:30 p.m. local time. The official T-shirt of Pro-life Memorial Day is available online at http://www.prolifegear.com/.


  • Cornerstone Annual Banquet:  Thursday, October 6, 2005
    Cornerstone Policy Research, a pro-family organization based in Concord, is hosting a banquet featuring Rabbi Daniel Lapin, president of the "Toward Tradition" in Bedford.   Rabbi Lapin wrote, "The message of the Torah is one of life.  Abortion on demand is simply intolerable in the Jewish tradition.  To sanction something so heinous as partial-birth abortion is proof of a culture of death standing in marked opposition to the Torah's ethic of life."  RSVPs for this banquet would be appreciated.  Write cornerstone@nhcornerstone.org or call 721-9933 soon!

  • FIRST Saturday, Oct. 1, Witness against Planned Parenthood
    Join us on Saturday, October 1 to oppose Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion "provider" in the nation.  They teach youth about sex, sell them abortifacients (wrongly called contraceptives) and then tempt women with human pesticide drugs or surgical abortions.  They enjoy massive government funding, many corporate sponsors, frequent access to high schools, and even funding through certain United Way programs.   Please keep the pressure on the Planned Parenthood shell-game operation and pray for the day they have to hold bake-sales for their so-called "charity".   Join us Saturday, October 1, 10am to Noon at the intersection of Elm and Pennacook Street (behind the Rite Aid).  This is a couple blocks south of the Amoskeag Bridge on the East side of the Merrimack. To see what these events are like, go to:    http://www.nhrtl.org/publicaction/PPManchester/index.html

  • NH Knights Hold State "Walk for Life" Pilgrimage: Sept 24
    The NH Knights of Columbus held a "patriotic walk for life" on September 24, in Manchester.   A procession with a statue of Lady Fatima started the event near the Verizon Center, and proceeded first to Veteran's Park and then to Victory Park and for a heartfelt ceremony.   Many thanks to all who participated!


  • NH Pro-Life Council Visits High Schools: Sept 26 & 30
    The NH Pro-Life Council will visit the sidewalks near Manchester's West High School on Monday, September 26  to pass out pamphlets to students as they leave for the day. On Friday, September 30, they are considering the same for Central High, so more volunteers would be great.   Contact Russ Pond at 882-7114 for details.


  • SECOND Saturday, Sept 10, 2005
    Witness against Planned Parenthood
    Normally this occurs pro-life ministry occurs on the FIRST Saturday of every month, but it is delayed in September due to the Labor Day weekend.   Join us on SEPT 10 to oppose Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion "provider" in the nation. They teach youth about sex, sell them abortifacients (wrongly called contraceptives) and then tempt women with human pesticide drugs or surgical abortions. They enjoy massive government funding, many corporate sponsors, frequent access to high schools, and even funding through certain United Way programs. Please keep the pressure on the Planned Parenthood shell-game operation and pray for the day they have to hold bake-sales for their so-called "charity".   Join us Saturday, Sept 10, 10am to Noon at the intersection of Elm and Pennacook Street (behind the Rite Aid). This is a couple blocks south of the Amoskeag Bridge on the East side of the Merrimack. To see what these events are like, go to:    http://www.nhrtl.org/publicaction/PPManchester/index.html

    Sunday,   July 31,   2pm to 7pm at Pawtuckaway State Park

    NHRTL announces our Third Annual Picnic on Sunday, July 31, at Pawtuckaway State Park. Our picnic features family fun with games like batmitton, frisbee, croquet, water balloon tosses, and even a "moon-walk" this year! Get face painted and use the park slides, swings, and life-guarded beach!

    Please bring your own meat and rolls, and a salad or dessert to pass. Also, a $5 donation per person to NHRTL covers drinks, ice, snacks/chips, and watermelon. A grill, all paper products, utensils and condiments are included too. You will also have to pay Pawtuckaway State Park Admission of $3 per person over 11 in cash at the park entrance gate.

    Pawtuckaway is about 15 miles North-east of Manchester -- about 4 miles North of Raymond in Nottingham, NH.   Exact directions are
    on-line at www.nhrtl.org/picnic Ticket payment (cash or checks payable to "NHRTL") will be collected at the picnic shelter.
     We request your RSVPs via e-mail to life@nhrtl.org or via call to 626-7950 by JULY 23. Please provide your full name, telephone, and mailing address with your RSVP.  Thank you!




  • First Saturday, June 4, Witness against Planned Parenthood
    Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion "provider" in the nation. They teach youth about sex, sell them abortifacients (wrongly called contraceptives) and then tempt women with human pesticide drugs or surgical abortions. They enjoy massive government funding, many corporate sponsors, frequent access to high schools, and even funding through certain United Way programs. Please keep the pressure on the Planned Parenthood shell-game operation and pray for the day they have to hold bake-sales for their so-called "charity".   Join us Saturday, June 4, 10am to Noon at the intersection of Elm and Pennacook Street (behind the Rite Aid). This is a couple blocks south of the Amoskeag Bridge on the East side of the Merrimack. To see what these events are like, go to:    http://www.nhrtl.org/publicaction/PPManchester/index.html


  • NHRTL needs your help on legislative matters, especially to defeat SB-30 which seeks to make abortifacient drugs available to minors.   See the full 2005 Legislation webpage by clicking here.   Help passing the pro-life HB-83 would be worthwhile too.


  • A concerned parent has contacted us about a sex education program in the Brookline, NH public school.   If you live there, and want to hear details or want to help research the issue, please write back to   life@nhrtl.org   and we'll connect you with those looking into the matter.


  • Paul Toriani will speak at the Providence Baptist Church, Route 27, right on the Epping/Raymond line, on Sunday, June 12 at 6pm.   All are welcome.

  • May 10, Portsmouth: Protest against NARAL fundraiser
    The annual fundraiser for the vehemently pro-abortion NARAL will be picketed by pro-lifers again, just as we have done for years and years. The NARAL website reveals they aim to raise some $25,000 here, and much of it goes to getting pro-abortion legislators elected. Since the Portsmouth Gaslight Co, a restaurant, is hosting them, please call 430-9122 and express your opinion on the event they saw fit to host. Pro-lifers will gather near Annabelle's Ice Cream (49 Ceres St in Portsmouth) at 5:15pm on Tuesday, May 10. Then proceed to the NARAL event at Portsmouth Gaslight, 64 Market Street -- about 3/4 of a mile east of Route 95 Exit 7. Bring your own pro-life signs or borrow one of ours. The picket occurs outside of the Gaslight restaurant so spread the word and bring friends for this standing-in-the-gap initiative.


    The Seacoast Chapter of NH Right to Life will again staff a pro-life table/booth during the Portsmouth "Market Square Day".   On Saturday, June 11, consider stopping by to visit the
    pro-life team and the rest of the attractions.   Map and details at:


  • Prayer time in Concord on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
    A prayer meeting occurs at the gold-domed NH Capitol Building on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month. It is at the entrance to the gallery of Representative’s Hall starting at 11am. Contact Pastor Garrett Lear via http://www.thewelloflivingwater.com for details.


  • A pro-life prayer vigil is planned for THIS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, in the plaza of the gold-domed NH State House, starting at 12:30pm.    The focus is on softening the heart of Gov. John Lynch such that he will decide to veto SB-30, the bill mentioned above.   Please join the prayer warriors who faithfully stand in the gap despite the prospects THIS WEDNESDAY, June 1.   Route 93, Exit 14 will put you within sight of the gold-domed State House.   Prayers and fasting for this critical intention availeth much.



  • Click here for the MARCH FOR LIFE 2005 webpage
    NH Sunday News Coverage:        Acrobat Reader PDF        Image JPG
    Legislative Alert Distributed at MFL:   Acrobat Reader PDF

  • Click here for the MARCH FOR LIFE 2005 webpage
    The NH pro-life community witnessed against abortion on demand on January 15 as the anniversary of the woeful Roe v. Wade decision approached.  Some 250 people participated in the church services, the rally at the NH State House, a march past the local abortion clinic, the fellowship luncheon, or a message of pro-life education, inspiration, and encouragement from our keynote speaker, Kathy Sparks.   It was a beautiful sunny day despite the icy rain the day before and the snow the day after.  A BIG THANK YOU to those who attended, volunteered, prayed, promoted, or donated food or funding on behalf of this event.   (So many were gracious with food, some leftovers were brought to area food kitchens!)    We dearly hope the tools, synergy, and inspiration helped increase everyone's resolve to never never never give up opposing the horrors of abortion and the reasons for it.   So far to our knowledge, only the NH Sunday News / Union Leader covered the story, but if you see additional coverage or letters relevant, please send them along to us.
    NH Sunday News Coverage:        Acrobat Reader PDF        Image JPG
    Legislative Alert Distributed at MFL:   Acrobat Reader PDF

     Kathy Sparks
    Keynote Speaker
    for the 2005 March for Life
    in Concord, Sat. Jan 15

    "Called Out of Darkness"

    Kathy Sparks presented "Called Out of Darkness and into His Marvelous Light".   She once worked as a medical assistant in an abortion clinic, and is now serving the Lord Jesus Christ as the Executive Director of three New Beginnings Pregnancy Centers in Illinois.  Kathy's testimony has appeared in Christian Herald Magazine and in several videos including "Meet the Abortion Providers" produced and distributed by the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago and more recently, "The Testimony of Kathy Sparks", produced and distributed nationwide by Mission City Television of San Antonio.  Her compelling, inspirational story of crisis, healing, and renewal was offered during the 2005 March for Life events.


  • Sacred Heart, Lebanon, Eucharistic Adoration, May 20
    On May 20, the Sacred Heart Parish Respect Life Committee will be holding a one hour Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart Church in Lebanon from 7-8. The program will combine meditation, readings, prayer and music on behalf of all children who have been aborted and their mothers, all children in danger of abortion and their mothers, all people in danger of euthanasia and those contemplating assisted suicide.  There will be a social hour afterwards.

  • Pro-life Program at St. Joseph Church in Salem
    This event is at St. Joseph Church, 33 Main Street, Salem, NH.  For more information call Charlie or Joan at 893-3960.   IN THE WOMB:  Are you interested in learning about the wonderful world of the unborn baby?   If so, we have a beautiful video on how a single cell divides millions of  times and grows into a thinking, feeling person.    Join us on Sunday, May 15, 2005 at 6pm at Saint Julie Hall  (located in lower parking lot).

  • National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 5
    There's certainly no shortage of things to pray about, both of praise and concerns. The annual National Day of Prayer is May 5 and scores of groups meet throughout New Hampshire. Visit http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org and ask fellow believers for pointers to observances in your area, or plan one yourself!


  • Several Pro-life Programs at St. Joseph Church in Salem
    These events are at St. Joseph Church, 33 Main Street, Salem, NH.  For more information call Charlie or Joan at 893-3960
    1)  Holy Hour for the Sanctity of Human Life held during the first Friday Eucharistic Adoration on May 6th, Noon to 1pm.   "What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences and unite ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of human life.   All together, we must build a new Culture of Life." -- Pope John Paul II   
    2)  On Saturday, May 7th, at 7:30 in the morning the Respect Life Committee of Saint Joseph Church invites you to Pray the Rosary For an end to Abortion     "This is a scourge on our society and a continuous devaluing of all human life.    The gift of life which God the Creator and Father has entrusted to man calls him to appreciate the inestimable value of what he


  • PLEASE click here:


  • NHRTL needs your help on legislative matters, esp. to defeat SB-30 which seeks to make abortifacient drugs available to minors.   See the full 2005 Legislation webpage by clicking here.


  • Click here for the MARCH FOR LIFE 2005 webpage
    The NH pro-life community witnessed against abortion on demand on January 15 as the anniversary of the woeful Roe v. Wade decision approached.  Some 250 people participated in the church services, the rally at the NH State House, a march past the local abortion clinic, the fellowship luncheon, or a message of pro-life education, inspiration, and encouragement from our keynote speaker, Kathy Sparks.   It was a beautiful sunny day despite the icy rain the day before and the snow the day after.  A BIG THANK YOU to those who attended, volunteered, prayed, promoted, or donated food or funding on behalf of this event.   (So many were gracious with food, some leftovers were brought to area food kitchens!)    We dearly hope the tools, synergy, and inspiration helped increase everyone's resolve to never never never give up opposing the horrors of abortion and the reasons for it.   So far to our knowledge, only the NH Sunday News / Union Leader covered the story, but if you see additional coverage or letters relevant, please send them along to us.

    NH Sunday News Coverage:        Acrobat Reader PDF        Image JPG
    Legislative Alert Distributed at MFL:   Acrobat Reader PDF



"Called Out of Darkness"
Kathy Sparks presented "Called Out of Darkness and into His Marvelous Light".   She once worked as a medical assistant in an abortion clinic, and is now serving the Lord Jesus Christ as the Executive Director of three New Beginnings Pregnancy Centers in Illinois.  Kathy's testimony has appeared in Christian Herald Magazine and in several videos including "Meet the Abortion Providers" produced and distributed by the Pro-Life Action League of Chicago and more recently, "The Testimony of Kathy Sparks", produced and distributed nationwide by Mission City Television of San Antonio.  Her compelling, inspirational story of crisis, healing, and renewal was offered during the 2005 March for Life events.

Kathy Sparks

Keynote Speaker
for the 2005 March for Life in Concord, Sat. Jan 15

Advertisement for MFL:
Acrobat PDF
JPG Image

Click on this photo below to see the over-flow packed crowd at a recent March for Life program.   In 2005, we "upgraded" to the use of the Concord High School cafeteria for lunch and auditorium for the program -- stay tuned for forthcoming photos!. 

Click here for MARCH FOR LIFE 2005 webpage

    Grand Jury declines to indict on felony charge.  Two misdemeanor charges still pending
    NH Right to Life has been opposing the Manchester Planned Parenthood abortion clinic near the corner of Elm and Pennacook Street for nearly 5 years--even before it opened.   Faithful pro-lifers, to their credit, have peacefully, prayerfully, and persistently witnessed there even during excessive cold and heat and rain and snow, and alleged vandalism.

    Soon after the December 4, 2004 "First Saturday" witness started, a very agitated and presumably hurting young man yelled obscenities at the pro-lifers and (allegedly) brandished a shotgun in the window of his house.  

    During the tense moments, he reported a painful experience in his past.   NHRTL very much holds this man in prayer, thanks the 10+ pro-lifers who were at the event for their calm courage, and thanks God nothing worse occurred.

    NHRTL reminds the City of Manchester that we led vehement opposition to the opening of this abortion clinic, and especially insisted it did not belong in this residential neighborhood.

    In August 2005, a Grand Jury declined to indict the defendant on a felony charge, but two misdemeanor charges are still pending.

    NHRTL asserts that Planned Parenthood (the biggest abortion provider in the nation) is leaving wounded women, hurting men, and dead babies behind, while abortionists can leave to count their profit money.   Abortion violence against unborn babies should be outlawed, and the multi-million dollars in taxpayer funding Planned Parenthood now enjoys should be re-routed to initiatives to help heal those who have been tempted and taunted into making the horrific "choice".

    The Bishop Peterson Council of the Knights of Columbus have planned a Holy Hour for Friday, January 21, at St. Joseph's Church on Main Street in Salem.    It begins at 7pm with a Rosary led by the Knights of Fr. Pavone Pro-Life Mysteries.   Mass begins at 7:30pm, and features the prayer "Affirming Life" at the end, followed by the closing song "The Unborn Child".   Refreshments served after Mass.

    The Knights of Columbus of eleven Catholic parishes of Southern NH join together on the anniversary of legalized abortion to sponsor a day of fasting and prayer for the Culture of Life.  The type of fast can be selected by each individual, on your own, but  it is suggested to abstain  from solid foods for 24 hours starting at 7pm, Friday evening,  Jan 21. The fasting period for the sins of our  nation includes 24 hours of Rosary, ending with Benediction at St. Mark’s Church, Londonderry, starting 7:30pm Saturday evening Jan 22.  Refreshments will be available after the service.  All are invited to participate in the fast and prayer at home, even if they cannot attend at the church.   For more info, call John @ 434-4098.

    Beginning at 11am on Friday, January 7, and on all subsequent first Fridays, you are invited to participate in an hour of prayer and mediation to foster respect for the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood.   The location is St. Patrick's, 29 Spring Street, Nashua.  The hour of silent and communal prayer will conclude with the celebration of the Eucharist at 12:05.   For more information, please call Janet Heitmiller at 889-9333.

    The prayer vigils at the Manchester YWCA Teen "Health" Clinic continue in faithful opposition to their pro-abortion operations.   A December 8 team led by Betty Breuder, Vice President of NHRTL was vigilant and prayerful out in front of the clinic at 72 Concord Street, Manchester.  Stay tuned for the next pro-life presence planned for this misguided YWCA.

    The NH Knights of Columbus are planning their annual pro-life educational conference for March 20, 2005.   A noon luncheon at the St. Joseph's Cathedral on Pine Street in Manchester will start the proceedings.   At 1pm, Marianne Luthin, the Respect Life Coordinator for the Archdiocese of Boston will be the guest speaker.   The theme is "Pro-Life = Pro-Women - How Abortion Hurts Women"

  • Previously listed in 2012

  • Previously listed in 2011

  • Previously listed in 2010

  • Previously listed in 2009

  • Previously listed in 2008

  • Previously listed in 2007

  • Previously listed in 2006

  • Previously listed in 2005

  • Previously listed in 2004

  • Previously listed in 2003

  • Send your ideas, advice, encouragement,
    questions, and gifts to us at:

    New Hampshire Right to Life
    POBox 421
    Merrimack NH  03054

(Click on links below)

New England
Regional Mortgage


Nancy Tutunjian Berger

 Paraclete Music Ministries.

St. Patrick's Council #6902, Pelham
Immaculate Conception, #140, Portsmouth
Bishop John Neumann Council #6949
St. Joseph Council #6850, Raymond
Queen of Peace Council 6725, Merrimack

Harvey's Concrete Floors
Bedford,  (603) 472-3111

(Click in above links)


Kaitlyn Sharp & Gov. Craig Benson at the NHRTL table during the 2003 CNHT Picnic   (Click to enlarge)

Gov. Craig Benson's
Right to Life Proclamation

Delivered at the NHRTL
March for Life Rally
of 2003 and 2004!

A big thank you to
Gov. Benson for his testimony
in support of the HB-763.


January 2005 marks the 32nd anniversary of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision which legalized well over 40 million deaths by surgical abortion in America ... and still counting every 20 seconds:


Get involved so no more children die and
no more women cry:  life@nhrtl.org




New Hampshire
Right to Life is the largest, oldest, and most active NH pro-life organization standing in defense of ALL THE BABIES!

NHRTL was founded to foster
respect for human life from the
moment of conception to natural
death and to promote the right
to life as the  paramount social
issue through educational,
legislative, political, and other
forms of lawful activities.

US Sen. Gordon Humphrey,
 author of a 1989 poem
for the babies dumped
in the Concord Landfill.

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Thanks for your input


Is your church helping promote abortion?   Here's a list of churches supporting the
Religious Coalition FOR Reproductive Choice    The member churches are supporting
an organization that directly lobbies for support of Partial Birth Abortions.



New Hampshire Right to Life
has been on the internet since
October 27, 1997

Webauthor:  mailto:life@nhrtl.org  

We are an associate of

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